Patreon Study Group – Cotidie – A Bottega d’Arte online

Every first Friday of the month, 18-20 (Berlin time)

Teaching is the thing that means the most to me. It gives me purpose and it keeps me going even when my brain hates me.
That’s why I decided to start offering free online classes via my Patreon.

You will find the link in a public post on my Patreon page and you can invite who you want to participate with you.

You can also choose to join my Patreon team to support this project: from 1€/month (or you can choose whatever donation amount you like 💞) you will have access to all the recordings of the previous classes.

My wish is to share my love for art practice with as many people as possible, because I’ve seen how much it made the difference for people to have a creative outlet and to find a way to make art in a non performative way.

I can’t wait to meet you!

This year I have decided to expand the Patreon project to include all the community spaces in one unified “Bottega d’Arte”, a virtual art studio where people can meet to work together and practice.

The plan is to meet virtually via zoom once a week, to do our art practice together.

Once a month I will teach a class open to everybody. During the month people can connect and motivate each other to practice and experiment in the Cotidie Chat.

No social performance is required. Just an informal virtual space of art practice. <3

I set up a recurring meeting on zoom for it, every Friday, from 19:00 CET/GMT+1

You will get the invitation link with the welcome mail you will receive when you sign up for my newsletter.

In between classes you can join us on telegram!

A private group chat you can join, away from social media and their performative pressure.
(Telegram allows decent privacy as a platform and you can set it up to hide any personal information, like your phone number.)

In the Cotidie Art Chat you can share your own practice and interact with others, ask for feedback and support, share useful resources and links.
Please don’t be shy about posting your practice, the goal is to support each other into building an habit💞
It doesn’t have to be pretty, it doesn’t have to be perfect.
It just needs to exist.

Enjoy and Keep Drawing! 💪